Partial Shade Flower Seeds

Partial Shade Flower Seeds

100% NZ Owned Family Business
Largest Certified Organic Range
Quality Seed & Growing Advice
Trusted for over 40 Years
Showing 101 Products

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Ammi majus White
Ammi visnaga Green Mist
Aquilegia Black Barlow
Aquilegia Bordeaux Barlow
Aquilegia Lime Sorbet
Aquilegia Shady Garden Scatter
Aquilegia White Barlow
Asclepias Swan Plant
Asperula Sweet Blue Woodruff
Banana Ornamental Pink
Bellis Habanera
Bellis Pompoms
Bells of Ireland
Campanula Blue Bell
Campanula Cup & Saucer Mix
Candytuft Flash Mix
Classic Lawn
Cleome Mix
Cosmos Brightness Mix
Cosmos Candy Stripe
Cosmos Chocolate
Cosmos Double Dutch White
Cosmos Sea Shells
Cosmos Unique Mix
Cosmos White Gazebo
Cosmos Xanthos
Delphinium Magic Fountains Mix
Dianthus Black & White Minstrels
Dianthus Chabaud Aurora
Dianthus Chabaud Jeanne Dionis
Dianthus Chabaud La France
Dianthus Chabaud Orange Sherbet
Dianthus Clove Pinks
Dichondra repens (Mercury Bay)
Dichondra Silver Falls
Echinacea Mojito
Echinacea White Swan
Echinops Blue Globe
Echium Blue Bedder
Eryngium Sea Holly
Eryngium Silver Salentino
Euphorbia Kilimanjaro
Forget-Me-Not Indigo Blue
Forget-Me-Not Mystery Rose
Forget-Me-Not White
Foxglove Dalmatian Peach F1
Foxglove Dalmatian Purple F1
Foxglove Dalmatian White F1
Foxglove Strawberry Merton
Gaura The Bride


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