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Also known as floss flower, this stunning flower is known for its vibrant colour and fl
The complementary white floss flower to the blue, offers a touch of elegance with its f
A gem for gardeners and cut flower enthusiasts. Long, delicate stems hold masses of tig
Easy to grow, this charming flower adds a touch of whimsy to both the garden and bouque
Grow either as a fresh tasting microgreen or leave to mature and the green leaves will
A striking amaranth, the pendulous flowers are fabulous for dramatic, large-scale flora
Popular for floral work, the cascading red tassels are a striking addition to large bou
A stunning cascade of green tassels that fall gracefully adding length, texture and dra
Sprays of small flowers like mini strawflowers, this everlasting daisy captivates with
Poor animal performance and health problems are usually a direct result of nutritional
Unique double-petal type, also known as an azalea type, creates full, frilly, dusky-bro
Unique double-petal type, also known as an azalea type, creates full, frilly, burgundy-
Unique double-petal type, also known as an azalea type, creates full, frilly, rose-pink
A reliable and high quality mix of attractive snapdragons that includes shades of rose,
An upright perennial with distinctive, pompom-like, white, double, spurless flowers in
Bred in NZ for commercial production. Highly productive and uniform spears, phytophora
Attractive salmon-pink, peony-type blooms with excellent uniformity. All the elegance o
Pale apricot, needle or quilled-type blooms atop long, sturdy stems, add a delicate app
As the summer season starts to transition into autumn, planting annual flowers that thr
Bees require a complex mix of proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, fats and miner
A global market standard, this is what is in your canned beetroot. Hybrid vigour means
Also known as Canterbury Bells, this mix produces a stunning array of bell-shaped flowe
A novelty for the production of deep-purple fruit that are blocky in shape, 3-4 lobed w
High in beta carotene from the orange colour, a very sweet carrot with excellent flavou
High in anthocyanins from the purple colour these imperator carrots are not only great
High in lycopene from the red colour, produces crispy, good tasting imperator carrots w
A bit of a novelty for carrots, this variety does not contain carotenoids and produces
High in lutein from the yellow colour, a nutritional powerhouse, a carrot’s colour refl
Known in some markets as cauliflower blossom this tasty sprouting cauliflower is the ca
A striking celosia with vibrant, feathery flower heads in rich shades of purple and pur
A traditional ground cover in English gardens since before Tudor times. The low growin
A cold-hardy brassica, Collards are a nutritious leafy green high in vitamins A and K.
Ready to use. Works wonderfully as a plant tonic and promotes flowering & strong ro
Companion plants in the garden are strategically selected to support each other's
A well-known favourite, best grown as an annual with beautiful blooms that range from r
A well-known favourite, best grown as an annual, featuring ruffled, white petals in the
A well-known favourite, best grown as an annual, stunning in its simplicity of creamy-b
A well-known favourite, best grown as an annual with blooms of apricot and coral. A gr
A delicate filler plant that has unique umbel-shaped blooms perfect for bouquet work. E
Made of quality plastic and, if taken care of, will last many years. When used for wate
A unique echinacea with petals that start off a vibrant-green and fade to a pale-lime a
This selection of Sea Holly produces thistle-like flowers of silvery white that are att
Commonly known as snow-on-the-mountain, prized for its variegated foliage. With green l
Producing, dark-green, feathery foliage when grown on a little. Highly flavourful tasti
Cultivated worldwide as a semi-arid crop. Its seeds and leaves have been used as a culi
Bedding plants add a vibrant splash of colour and beauty to your garden. Often us