
SKU: M5053.1kg
A rich source of chlorophyll, vitamins, minerals, amino acids and antioxidants, thought to have benefits...
NZ $7.70


NZ $7.70

Botanical Name

Triticum aestivum

Quantity to Sow

150g per propagation tray

Days to Harvest (Microgreen Stage)

in approx. 7-10 days

Sowing Time

All Year Round

Growing Guidance

Soaking the seeds for one hour prior to sowing will help the seed to swell and may assist with a more uniform sowing density. Sow seeds close together for best results and to achieve a more erect stand of microgreens and baby leaves.

Successful Microgreens & Babyleaf

1. Line a Kings Seeds seed tray with a sheet of newspaper or Wool Tray Liner.

2. Fill the tray half full with a good quality seed-raising mix. Always use a commercially formulated seed-raising mix to ensure sterility of the growing medium which will prevent possible infection of your seedlings.

3. Use the palm of your hand to press down on the mix to create a firm surface.

4. Sprinkle your seed evenly but generously across the surface.

5. Lightly cover the seed with the seed-raising mix. Depth should be no more than twice the diameter of the seed.

6. Use the palm of your hand to press down on the mix to ensure contact is made between the seed and mix.

7. Water the tray either with a watering can or hose or place the tray into a tray of water and leave to soak until the surface appears glossy.

8. Keep trays moist but not drenched to ensure germination and rapid growth. Overhead watering can be used initially but once seeds germinate and a leaf canopy establishes it is best to water from below by soaking the trays in water to avoid the development of diseases. When watering overhead, water earlier in the day to prevent having wet leaves overnight when the conditions are not as suitable for drying. The mix within the tray should appear dark and not brown to indicate appropriate moisture levels.

9. Days to harvest are approximate and will depend on the time of year and growing conditions at the time. Leaves can be harvested as microgreens either at the cotyledon stage (seedling leaves) or once the first true leaves have developed their colour and leaf shape. Seedlings can also be grown onto a larger stage and harvested as a baby leaf. Keeping a log book of your sowing dates and time to maturity can be an excellent way to assist with scheduling your sowings in the future.

10. When harvesting ensure you cut above the soil line to avoid contamination. Some species may be suitable for repeat harvests if cut above where the first true leaf emerges from the stem.

General Definitions


A plant that completes its entire life cycle (germinates, grows a plant, flowers, produces seed, dies) in one season. It may self-sow, thereby giving the impression of being perennial. Most annuals will flower 60 to 75 days from sowing.

Hardy Annual

An annual that does not need to be germinated indoors but can be sown direct into its growing position in the garden in spring and is tolerant of frost.

Tender Annual

An annual that is frost tender and can be germinated indoors. Sowing direct or planting outdoors must not occur until all danger of frost has passed (also known as a Half-Hardy Annual).

A plant that completes its entire life cycle in two years - growing in the first, reproducing and dying in the second. Typically, but not always, producing flowers only in the second year.


A plant that can live for more than two years, surviving the winter and flowering each year from the second season. Perennials may flower within 90 days of sowing in their first season but will more typically flower in their second

Hardy Perennial

A perennial that is frost-tolerant.

Tender Perennial

A perennial that is frost tender.


A plant that will survive frost.


A plant that will not survive frost.


Going to seed. Premature formation of a seed stalk, may be due to plant stress.

Botanical Name

The formal scientific name conforming to the International Code of Nomenclature for plants. Identifies the genus and species to which the plant belongs useful in distinguishing plants uniquely.


The seed leaves or first leaves that emerge from a germinated seed, different in form from the later true leaves.

True Leaves

The leaves that emerge after the cotyledons which are indicative of the true form
of the plant’s leaves.


Growth stopped by development of terminal flower buds. A dwarf/bush variety which sets fruit in a concentrated period.


Growth continuing indefinitely when leaf buds form at the tip of the growth. These varieties need to be staked and continue to set fruit until frost.


A variety that is older than two generations (50 years). Can also be referred to as “Heritage” and is always an open pollinated variety selected for garden performance (flavour, long harvest).


A plant resulting from a cross between two parent plants to give a genetically superior plant i.e. improved disease resistance, better vigour, more uniform harvest. Normally, seed saved from hybrids does not grow true to type.

F1 - The first generation of such a cross. Denoted in the name of the variety.

F2 - The second generation of such a cross etc.

Open Pollinated

Natural cross between plants of the same variety. Refers to non-hybrid seeds or plants.


Basic nutrient needs of plants:

- for green growth, healthy soil and microbial activity

- for flower, fruit and seed production; vigorous roots and disease resistance

) - essential for building plant tissue (important for young plants) and the
quality and size of fruit.

pH A measurement for the acidity/alkalinity of soil, needed for nutrientavailability and microbial activity.


Thepractice of scratching or notching the seed coat to assist germination. Usually
applies to hard coated seed.


Chilling seeds to promote germination by breaking dormancy.


The ability of seeds to germinate.


The speed and the strength
of the plant to establish well.



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Delivery charges are subject to change without notice.

You can track the status of your shipment via the link provided in your order confirmation email or by logging into your account online.

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Seed can only be collected from our warehouse at 189 Wharawhara Rd, Katikati

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Click n Collect does not apply for collection at any Kings Seeds stockists nationwide.


Seed or Products can only be returned with authorisation from Kings Seeds.

Any request for the return of Seed or Products must be made within 14 days of delivery to info@kingsseeds.co.nz

Returned Seed or Products will only be accepted if unopened and in the same condition as when supplied and a record of
your purchase can be found

The Customer shall pay all costs in relation to return of the Seed or Products unless it is deemed a warranty issue.

Please see our Terms & Conditions of Sale for further information on our Returns Policy.


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