Fresh Greens in Niue
Niue........not a place I knew much about but had always been interested in as my grandmother was born there. She came to NZ when she was school age and sadly, never went back to her place of birth. With this family link, Niue has always intrigued me and this is what I learned when I finally managed to visit myself. Being a land of rock and coral, the poor quality of the soil does not lend itself to growing much and the tropical temperatures dictate what kinds of vegetables will grow in such an environment. Back in the 1800’s the island had traded arrowroot that was grown on the island. Money had been provided by the Niue Development Board since the 1960’s to increase crop varieties from bananas and coconuts. Some of the first successful crops grown under this Board were passionfruit and limes. The taro and yam crops continued to be the main staples. My first visit to Niue last year gave me the opportunity to see how fresh produce was grown on the island and what was included in the Niuean diet. Thanks to a couple of Kings Seeds customers on the island I was able to make some contacts and the markets, supermarket, cafés and hotel restaurant gave me a good insight into what was available for consumption. The fruit varieties were quite limited compared to other pacific islands which I figure is due to the poor soil. Surprisingly, there was quite a lot of salad greens for such a warm environment where the supply boat only comes once a month. I found there was some experimental programs in place to create good soil that could grow a more diverse range of vegetables. This was a government generated project and then there were individual growers who were glad to accept the challenge of expanding the variety of produce growing in their gardens. Gerard had kindly given me quite a bit of seed to donate to this program and this was duly distributed amongst some growers. They have recently sent me a photo of some great looking beetroot that they are very proud of, being some of the first they had grown.
A Grower in Niue
The main grower I was keen to visit was Niue Fresh. They had recently been purchasing seed varieties to trial in their hydroponic growing system. The business is owned by Mark Blumsky and James Douglas and was created in an effort to provide more greens and veges on the island. Mark had been the Governor General on the island before deciding to marry a local and turn his hand to running a few business ventures, including Niue Fresh.