Latin for Gardeners
Colours of Flowers or Foliagealba, albus - whitearg, argenteus - silvery ater - black aurantiaca - orange aureus - golden aure, aurea, aureum - gold azurea, azureus - azure, sky blue caesius - blue gray caerula - deep blue candidus - pure white, shiny canus - ashy gray, hoary carneus - flesh colored citrinus - yellow coeruleus - dark blue coccineus - scarlet concolor - one color croceus - yellow cruentus - bloody discolor - two or separate colors flava, flavum - yellow glaucus - covered with gray bloom griseum - gray incanus - gray, hoary lutea, luteus - reddish yellow miniata - of a reddish color nigra - black purpurea, purpureus - purple rosea - rose-colored rubens, ruber - red, ruddy rubra, rubrum - red rufus - ruddy sanguinea - blood-red viridis - green |
Plant Peculiaritiesacaulis - stemlessamabile, amabilis - beautiful blanda - pleasent communis - common contorta - contorted growth habit cordata - heart-shaped crispa - finely waved, curled florida, floridus - flowering gracilis - graceful grandiflora - large-flowered hybridus - hybrid incana - gray-haired lactea - milky laevis - smooth maculata - spotted majus - larger maxima - largest millefolium - thousand-leaved minor, minus - smaller minim - very small minut, minutus - very small mollis - soft and/or hairy mon - one (one leaf, one flower) multiflora - many-flowered nitida, nitidum - shining officinalis - used as perenne, perennis - perennial pictum - painted pulchella - pretty punctata - spotted semperflorens - everblooming sempervirens - evergreen speciosa - showy spectabilis - spectacular spinosissimus - spiniest spinosus - spiny superbum - superb tomentosa, tomentosum - hairy umbellata - having flowers in umbels variegata - variegated villosa, villosum - softly hairy vulgaris – common |
Plant or Flower Scentsarom - odordulce - sweet fragrans - fragrant fragrantissima - very fragrant mosch - musk odor odorata - scented |
Plant Shapearborescens - treelikeelata - tall elegans - elegant, slender, willowy recta, erecta - upright, erect fruticosa - shrublike grand, grandi = big humilis - low-growing nana - dwarf, miniature pendula -drooping, pendulous prostrat, prostratum, procumbens - prostrate pumilia - low-growing, dwarf repens, reptans - creeping scandens - climbing |
Origin of Speciesaethiopium - Africaalpin - alpine regions andi - Andes antill - West Indies australis - southern barbadensis - native to Barbados borealis - northern campestris - of the field or plains canadensis - from Canada or America canariensis - from the Canary Islands capensis - from the Cape of Good Hope chilensis - from Chile chinensis - from China europa - from Europe hortensis - of the garden insularis - of the island japonica - japonicum - from Japan littoralis - of the seashore maritima - from near the sea montana, montanus - from the mountains palustris - from marshes or wetlands riparius - of river banks rivalis, rivularis - of brooks saxatilis - inhabiting rocks virginiana - from Virginia |
Leaf Form
acerifolius - maplelike leaves |