Flower Tips
TylerDuration – the time a plant takes to grow:
- Annual – completes its entire life cycle (germinates, produces seed, dies) in one season (Calendula, Cosmos, Sunflower).
- Biennial – completes its entire life cycle in two years (Honesty, Russell Lupin).
- Perennial – can live for more than two years, surviving the winter and flowering each year usually from the second season (Aquilegia, Baptisia).
Garden Uses:
- Bedding – short and compact.
- Border – medium towards the front and taller at the back.
- Cutting – have a good vase life.
- Ground Covers – don’t have a lot of these (Snow in Summer, Trailing Nasturtiums, Wild Thyme - a herb).
- Hanging Baskets – Vining/Climbing types with tendrils (Sweet Pea, Morning Glory) or Trailing types (Lobelia, Petunia, Rhodochiton)
- Dried Flowers – more rigid/stiff, desiccate well (Teasel, Statice, Bells of Ireland)
- Bee Plants – Attractive to predator insects (Phacelia, Monarda)
Germination Tips:
- Sow fine seed on top of seed raising mix and press lightly into surface
- Larger seed, sow no deeper than twice the diameter of the seed
- Flower seed takes longer to germinate, needs good quality seed raising mix to last the germination time frame.
- Most flower seed needs warmth to germinate so either use heat if early in the season or wait until the weather warms up, particularly in southern or inland areas.